If your thinking of Moving to Australia from UK in 2023 then we can help. the current worldwide inflationary pressures don’t have to stop you preparing and planning for Moving to Australia from the UK. A lot can be done remotely and the best place to start when planning your move to Australia is with Advance Moves.
Advance moves can save you time and money when Moving to Australia from UK.
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Advance moves can help with Moving to Australia in 2023
Advance moves is an international removals comparison site. Think of advance moves as the ‘go compare’ of International removals. They have a unique instant online quick quote system that can give you a quote for Moving to Australia from the UK in just 30 seconds. All you have to do is enter some very basic details about your removal, hit the ‘get quote’ button and within 30 seconds you will have a quotation for your removal to Australia from the UK emailed to you.

Advance moves can save you time and money on removal costs.
Using the Advance Moves quick quote system can significantly save you time and money when moving house Internationally. Just click on the link for your instant online quote and then compare quotes from up to the 5 best removal companies already pre-selected to match your moving requirements. Get the best deals on international removals today.
Save money on Moving to Australia from the UK in 2023
Advance moves can save you money moving to Australia from the UK. Use the quick quote system to get an instant online quote and then you will also start to receive up to 5 or 6 more accurate quotes from professional international removal companies that have been especially picked by advance moves to best match your removal requirements.
It’s the easiest way to get multiple quotes from international movers that are all operating to a high standard but with competitive pricing.
You then get to choose the mover that best suits your removal requirements and budget. Saving you both time and money on moving to Australia from UK in 2023.
Click here to get an instant online quote for moving to Australia from the UK in 2023

Advance moves can save you time and money on removal costs.
Using the Advance Moves quick quote system can significantly save you time and money when moving house Internationally. Just click on the link for your instant online quote and then compare quotes from up to the 5 best removal companies already pre-selected to match your moving requirements. Get the best deals on international removals today.
Help on moving to Australia from UK in 2023
Advance moves have a help page all about how to move to Australia from the UK in 2023. It covers most subjects and has some useful links to government and immigration sites to help you with current info and procedures all about moving to Australia and being able to settle and live and work there. Click here to visit the advance moves how to move to Australia info page.
Visas and getting into Australia in 2023
British citizens can usually get the following types of electronic visitor visa to be able to enter Australia.
eVisitor visa is direct from the Department of Immigration & Border Protection. There is no visa application charge or service fee for this.
Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) is via your travel agent or airline. There is no visa application charge, but a service fee of A$20 applies
Information on all other types of visas available can be found from the Department of Home Affairs, or from the Australian High Commission in London.
If you hold an ePassport you can use the SmartGate to pass through passport control when arriving in Australia. See the Australian Border Force website for more information.

Advance moves can save you time and money on removal costs.
Using the Advance Moves quick quote system can significantly save you time and money when moving house Internationally. Just click on the link for your instant online quote and then compare quotes from up to the 5 best removal companies already pre-selected to match your moving requirements. Get the best deals on international removals today.
Working in Australia in 2023
You will need a visa to work in Australia, check out the Uk government help page all about working in Australia to find out about the visa you will need.
Some jobs will require a UK criminal records check (known as a DBS check).
For information on your rights and obligations in the Australian workforce, or to make a complaint about workplace practices, you can see the Fair Work Ombudsman
Tax in Australia
The UK Governmant has the following information on taxes when you leave the UK for Australia. Check out tax if you leave the UK to live abroad and tax on your UK income if you live abroad.
Its advisable for you to get professional advice on paying tax in Australia.
You can check out the Coming to Australia link from the Australian Government for information on working and paying taxes in Australia. You willneed to get a Tax File Number from the Australian Taxation Office
If you then decide to return to the Uk from Australia then you will need to check out the situation on tax if you return to the UK.

Advance moves can save you time and money on removal costs.
Using the Advance Moves quick quote system can significantly save you time and money when moving house Internationally. Just click on the link for your instant online quote and then compare quotes from up to the 5 best removal companies already pre-selected to match your moving requirements. Get the best deals on international removals today.
Getting financial help payments in Australia
You may be able to get an income support payment depending on your situation. Most of our payments have waiting periods and residency rules. Check what you can get.
Help Finding work in Australia
There are tools and information to help if you’re looking for work.
The Community Development Program may help you if you live in a remote area of Australia. You can read more about the Community Development Program on the National Indigenous Australians Agency website.
Getting health care in Australia
If you have a valid visa, you may be able to use Medicare services to get lower cost health care.
For help with Medicare, you can call the Medicare program line.
If you’ve had vaccinations overseas, a health professional can record them in the Australian Immunisation Register (AIR). This includes a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination. The AIR will become your official record of your COVID-19 vaccination.
Find out how to add overseas immunisations to the AIR. You’ll need to provide proof of each one.

Advance moves can save you time and money on removal costs.
Using the Advance Moves quick quote system can significantly save you time and money when moving house Internationally. Just click on the link for your instant online quote and then compare quotes from up to the 5 best removal companies already pre-selected to match your moving requirements. Get the best deals on international removals today.
Becoming an Australian Citizen when Moving to Australia from UK in 2023
Australian citizenship is a privilege offering enormous rewards. The details below are from the Australian Government info page all about becoming a citizen.
Australian citizenship is an important step in your migration story. Becoming an Australian citizen means that you are making an ongoing commitment to Australia and our shared values. It is also the beginning of your formal membership of the Australian community. It is the step that will enable you to say ‘I am Australian’.

Advance moves can save you time and money on removal costs.
Using the Advance Moves quick quote system can significantly save you time and money when moving house Internationally. Just click on the link for your instant online quote and then compare quotes from up to the 5 best removal companies already pre-selected to match your moving requirements. Get the best deals on international removals today.
Responsibilities and privileges of Australian citizenship
When you become an Australian citizen, you will have additional responsibilities and privileges.
Responsibilities – what you will give Australia
As an Australian citizen you must:
- obey the laws of Australia
- vote in federal and state or territory elections, and in a referendum
- defend Australia should the need arise
- serve on jury duty if called to do so
Privileges – what Australia will give you
As an Australian citizen you can:
- vote in federal and state or territory elections, and in a referendum
- apply for children born overseas to become Australian citizens by descent
- apply for a job in the Australian Public Service or in the Australian Defence Force
- seek election to parliament
- apply for an Australian passport and re-enter Australia freely
- ask for consular assistance from an Australian official while overseas
Making a pledge
At your Australian citizenship ceremony, you will make the Australian Citizenship Pledge. In doing so, you are making a public commitment to Australia and accepting the responsibilities and privileges of citizenship.
At the citizenship ceremony, you will pledge:
- your loyalty to Australia and its people
- that you will share Australia’s democratic beliefs and respect its rights and liberties
- to uphold and obey the laws of Australia
You do not become an Australian citizen until you have made your pledge of commitment to Australia.

Advance moves can save you time and money on removal costs.
Using the Advance Moves quick quote system can significantly save you time and money when moving house Internationally. Just click on the link for your instant online quote and then compare quotes from up to the 5 best removal companies already pre-selected to match your moving requirements. Get the best deals on international removals today.
Australian democratic beliefs and Moving to Australia from UK in 2023
Parliamentary democracy
Australia’s system of government is a parliamentary democracy. As a part of this system, you will have a say in how Australia is governed by voting for a person to represent you in parliament. Parliament has the power to make and change the laws in Australia.
The representatives in parliament must answer to the people, through elections, for the decisions they make.
Rule of law
All Australians are equal under the law. No person, group or religion is above the law. Everyone, including people who hold positions of power in the Australian community, must obey Australia’s laws.
Living peacefully
Australians are proud to live in a peaceful country with a stable system of government. Australians believe that change should occur through discussion, peaceful persuasion, and the democratic process. We reject violence as a way to change a person’s mind or the law.
Respect for all individuals regardless of background
Australia’s democratic system is based on the principle that every individual, regardless of their background, has rights and equality under Australian law. All Australians are expected to treat each other with dignity and respect, regardless of their race, country of origin, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, heritage, culture, politics, wealth or religion.

Advance moves can save you time and money on removal costs.
Using the Advance Moves quick quote system can significantly save you time and money when moving house Internationally. Just click on the link for your instant online quote and then compare quotes from up to the 5 best removal companies already pre-selected to match your moving requirements. Get the best deals on international removals today.
Australian freedoms and Moving to Australia from UK in 2023
Freedom of speech
People in Australia should be able to express their ideas freely, so long as it is within the law and doesn’t promote violence against another person or group of people (such as because of their culture, ethnicity, religion or background).
Other people’s freedom of speech and freedom of expression must be respected, as long as such expression is lawful.
Freedom of association
Freedom of association is the right to form and join associations to pursue common goals. You are free to join or leave any legal organisation, such as a:
- political party
- trade union
- religious group
- cultural group
- social group
You cannot be forced to join any group or association.
Freedom of religion
The government and the law treat all citizens equally, whatever their religion or beliefs. The government in Australia is secular, which means it operates separately from churches or other religious entities.
You are free to follow any religion you choose, as long as your religious practices do not break Australian laws. You may also choose to not follow a religion.

Advance moves can save you time and money on removal costs.
Using the Advance Moves quick quote system can significantly save you time and money when moving house Internationally. Just click on the link for your instant online quote and then compare quotes from up to the 5 best removal companies already pre-selected to match your moving requirements. Get the best deals on international removals today.
Australian equalities and Moving to Australia from UK in 2023
There are a number of laws in Australia that ensure a person is not treated differently to others because of their gender, race, disability or age.
Gender equality
Men and women have equal rights in Australia. It is against the law to discriminate against a person because of their gender.
Equality of opportunity and a ‘fair go’
Australians value equal opportunity in our society; what is often called a ‘fair go’. This means that what someone achieves in life should be as a result of their talents, work and effort, rather than their wealth or background. This is to ensure that there are no formal class distinctions in Australian society.

Advance moves can save you time and money on removal costs.
Using the Advance Moves quick quote system can significantly save you time and money when moving house Internationally. Just click on the link for your instant online quote and then compare quotes from up to the 5 best removal companies already pre-selected to match your moving requirements. Get the best deals on international removals today.
Australian values and Moving to Australia from UK in 2023
Australian values based on freedom, respect, fairness and equality of opportunity are central to our community remaining a secure, prosperous and peaceful place to live.
Commitment to the Rule of Law
All Australians are protected by our laws and legal systems. Australians recognise the importance of laws in maintaining a peaceful and orderly society.
Under the Rule of Law, all Australians are equal in relation to the law and no person or group is above the law.
Parliamentary democracy
Australia’s system of government is a parliamentary democracy. Our laws are determined by parliaments elected by the people. This means that Australian citizens are involved in how the country is governed because Australian citizens vote for people to represent them in parliament.
Mutual respect and tolerance for others
In Australia, individuals must respect the freedom and dignity of others, and their opinions and choices. It is against the law to be violent towards another person. Violence of any kind, including verbal and physical abuse, is illegal. Australians believe in peaceful disagreement and above all the right to be safe and free from violence.

Advance moves can save you time and money on removal costs.
Using the Advance Moves quick quote system can significantly save you time and money when moving house Internationally. Just click on the link for your instant online quote and then compare quotes from up to the 5 best removal companies already pre-selected to match your moving requirements. Get the best deals on international removals today.
The Australian community and Moving to Australia from UK in 2023
Making a contribution
Citizenship gives you the opportunity to fully participate in our nation’s life and community. Australians expect everyone living in Australia to participate in our society and make a contribution to our community. Everyone has a responsibility to try and support themselves and their families when they are able to do so.
Compassion for those in need
Australians value ‘mateship’. We help each other in times of need.
In this spirit of mateship, Australia has a strong tradition of community service and volunteering – to look out for each other and strengthen the community. Volunteering is a great opportunity to share knowledge, learn new skills, and increase your integration into and sense of belonging to the Australian community. There are many opportunities for you to volunteer in Australia.
Helping to keep our society safe
In Australia, we each have responsibilities to help protect Australian society. For example, if people in Australia suspect their friend or neighbour may be planning to commit a serious crime, they should report this to Australian government authorities as soon as possible. In this way, we can help to protect the safety of our community.
English as the national language
Australian society values the English language as the national language of Australia, and as an important unifying element of society.
It is important to learn to speak English because it helps to get an education, a job, and better integrate into the community.
Moving to Australia from UK in 2023 and Loyalty to Australia
In the citizenship pledge, Australian citizens pledge their loyalty to Australia and its people. Australian citizens may also hold the citizenship of another country or countries if the laws of those countries allow. This is known as dual, or multiple, citizenship. However, even if a person is also a citizen of another country, an Australian citizen within Australia must follow all Australian laws at all times. Some Australian laws must also be followed by Australian citizens even when they are overseas.
Australian society is based on our shared obligations not to undermine Australia’s interests and security. For example, using social media to share official government secrets would be undermining Australia’s interests. Similarly, promoting distrust in and fear of an ethnic community would damage Australian community relations.
For further information on dual citizenship, see Advice for Dual Nationals on smarttraveller.gov.au

Advance moves can save you time and money on removal costs.
Using the Advance Moves quick quote system can significantly save you time and money when moving house Internationally. Just click on the link for your instant online quote and then compare quotes from up to the 5 best removal companies already pre-selected to match your moving requirements. Get the best deals on international removals today.
Enrolling to vote
Voting is compulsory in federal and state or territory elections for all eligible Australian citizens aged 18 years or over. For more information, see Australian Electoral Commission.
How to apply for Australian Citizenship when Moving to Australia from UK in 2023
For information on eligibility and how to apply for Australian citizenship, see Become an Australian citizen.
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