Move to Spain after the corona virus lockdown

2020 has had a complicated start, with first of all Brexit and then the Corona Virus Covid 19 Pandemic. Now that the corona virus lock down measures are starting to be lifted is it time for you to Move to Spain after the Corona virus lockdown?

Housing market price drop

The corona virus pandemic is deemed to have damaged the Spanish economy and with it the housing market. It is already being said that housing prices will suffer a drop. So once the lock down allows it, Spain should be an even more attractive place to move to.

Advice on your move to Spain after the Corona virus lockdown

The advice of removals experts Advance moves International removals is to start looking as soon as you can. It is likely that due to the economical impact of the corona virus a lot more properties will come onto the market and property prices will be driven down.  It’s worth having a look at the advance moves information page on Living in Spain as it has a wealth of information to help you with your move to Spain after the Corona virus lockdown.

Advance moves can save you time and money on removal costs.

Using the Advance Moves quick quote system can significantly save you time and money when moving house Internationally. Just click on the link for your instant online quote and then compare quotes from up to the 5 best removal companies already pre-selected to match your moving requirements. Get the best deals on international removals today.

Moving to Spain after Brexit

There will be some real property bargains about, and it is still relatively easy to move to Spain until the Brexit transition period comes to an end on 31st December 2020, although this may even be extended to a later date due to the delays and complications caused by the corona virus lockdown.

Your move to Spain after the Corona virus lockdown

If you are planning your move to Spain after the Corona virus Lockdown then once you have found the property you are after you will need to go through the process of buying or renting a property in Spain. The British government guidence page on how to buy property in Spain can help you with this.

Gaining Spanish residency

In order to stay in Spain you will also need to become a Spanish resident . You must register as a Spanish resident if you want to stay in Spain for more than three months.

You will get a green A4 certificate or credit card-sized piece of paper from Extranjeria or the police.

If you are resident in Spain before the transition period ends on 31 December 2020, you will be able to stay.

However, If you arrive in Spain before 31 December 2020, you will be able to register as resident in Spain under the current rules, and will have your right to residence in Spain protected for as long as you remain resident.

The Spanish government has an advice page on your move to Spain after Brexit.

Healthcare and driving licence

Once you have moved to Spain you will also need to register for Spanish healthcare and change your driving licence to a Spanish driving licence.

If you leave your move to Spain later…

Once the Brexit transition period is reached you will no doubt find that the whole process of becoming a Spanish resident is a lot more complicated and costly. So it is best to get it done before the UK leaves the EU completely.

Move to Spain after the Corona virus Lockdown

The Advice of Moving to Spain experts Advance Moves is to move to Spain as soon as possible to benefit from a suppressed Spanish housing market and less complicated way of gaining Spanish residency prior to the end of the transition period.

Removal quotes for moving to Spain

This is where the Advance moves team can help, they have a very simple online quick quote system that allows you to enter minimal details about your removal and will then give you an instant online quotation for your move to Spain. This is then backed up by more detailed quotations from up to 5 of Advance moves international agents who can cover your removal requirements.

Instant online removal quotes

The advance moves quick quote system saves you both time and money and you can get a removals quote for a move to any worldwide destination, not just a move to Spain. You can get a removal quotation for anywhere in the world. Give it a go and start budgeting and planning for your move to Spain now.

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