How to move to Poland

How to Move to Poland

Moving to Poland can be an exciting and enriching experience, whether you’re relocating for work, study, or personal reasons. Here are the steps and key considerations on how to move to Poland:

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  1. Research and Planning: Before you move to Poland, thorough research is crucial. Look into various aspects such as the cost of living, cities, culture, and job market. Major cities like Warsaw, Kraków, and Gdańsk offer diverse opportunities and lifestyles. Ensure you understand the language requirements; while many Poles speak English, learning some Polish will greatly ease your transition.
  2. Visa and Residency: Determine the type of visa you need to move to Poland. For EU/EEA citizens, the process is straightforward, as they do not require a visa. Non-EU/EEA citizens must apply for a long-term visa or residence permit based on their purpose of stay, such as work, study, or family reunification. You can apply for these at the Polish consulate in your home country.
  3. Finding Accommodation: Securing a place to live is a significant step in your move to Poland. You can rent apartments or houses, and websites like Otodom, OLX, and Gumtree are popular for listings. Consider the location, proximity to work or school, and neighborhood amenities when choosing accommodation.
  4. Employment: If you’re moving to Poland for work, having a job offer in hand simplifies the visa process. Poland has a growing economy with opportunities in sectors like IT, finance, and manufacturing. Utilize job portals like and LinkedIn, and consider reaching out to recruitment agencies to find employment before you move to Poland.
  5. Healthcare and Insurance: Understanding the healthcare system is vital when you move to Poland. As a resident, you’ll have access to the public healthcare system, but having private health insurance can provide additional coverage and faster service. Register with the National Health Fund (NFZ) upon arrival to access public healthcare services.
  6. Banking and Finances: Setting up a bank account is essential for managing your finances once you move to Poland. Banks like PKO Bank Polski, Bank Pekao, and ING Bank Śląski offer services for foreigners. You’ll need identification, proof of address, and your visa or residence permit to open an account.
  7. Integration and Social Life: Moving to Poland involves adapting to a new culture and lifestyle. Participate in local events, join expatriate groups, and take language classes to integrate smoothly. Polish people are known for their hospitality, and building a social network will enhance your experience.

In summary, to move to Poland, start by researching and planning, securing the necessary visa and residency permits, finding accommodation, and ensuring you have employment lined up. Understanding healthcare and setting up your finances are also crucial steps. Finally, integrating into the local culture will make your move to Poland more enjoyable and fulfilling.

Advance moves can save you time and money on removal costs.

Using the Advance Moves quick quote system can significantly save you time and money when moving house Internationally. Just click on the link for your instant online quote and then compare quotes from up to the 5 best removal companies already pre-selected to match your moving requirements. Get the best deals on international removals today.

Customs regulations on How to Move to Poland

When planning how to move to Poland, it’s essential to understand the customs regulations to ensure a smooth transition. Here’s a detailed guide on what you need to know about customs when you move to Poland:

1. Personal Belongings

When you move to Poland, you can bring your personal belongings duty-free if you meet specific criteria:

  • Ownership: Items must have been owned and used for at least six months before your move to Poland.
  • Purpose: Goods must be for personal use and not intended for resale.
  • Residency: You must have resided outside the EU for at least 12 consecutive months before moving to Poland.
  • Timing: Goods should arrive in Poland within 12 months of your arrival.

2. Household Goods

Bringing household goods is straightforward when you move to Poland, provided they adhere to the following:

  • Declaration: Make a detailed inventory of your household items, including their value.
  • Documentation: Provide proof of residency outside the EU and your residence permit in Poland.
  • Condition: Items should be used and not new.

3. Vehicles

If you plan to move to Poland with your vehicle, note these regulations:

  • Ownership Duration: You must have owned the vehicle for at least six months before your move to Poland.
  • Registration: Register your vehicle in Poland within 30 days of arrival.
  • Taxes and Duties: Import duty may apply unless you qualify for duty-free importation under certain conditions, such as transferring permanent residence.

4. Restricted and Prohibited Items

When you move to Poland, be aware of items that are restricted or prohibited:

  • Firearms and Ammunition: Require special permits and must be declared.
  • Narcotics and Drugs: Strictly prohibited.
  • Endangered Species: Items made from endangered species are prohibited without appropriate permits.
  • Cultural Artifacts: Exporting cultural artifacts from your home country might require permits.

5. Alcohol and Tobacco

Limits apply to the quantity of alcohol and tobacco products you can bring when you move to Poland:

  • Alcohol: Up to 10 liters of spirits, 20 liters of fortified wine, 90 liters of wine, and 110 liters of beer.
  • Tobacco: 800 cigarettes, 400 cigarillos, 200 cigars, or 1 kg of tobacco.

6. Pets

If you’re planning to move to Poland with your pets, follow these guidelines:

  • Microchip: Your pet must be microchipped.
  • Vaccinations: Pets must have a valid rabies vaccination certificate.
  • Health Certificate: Obtain an EU health certificate from a licensed veterinarian within ten days of travel.

7. Customs Declaration

When you move to Poland, you must declare:

  • High-Value Items: Items exceeding €10,000 in value.
  • Cash: Amounts over €10,000 must be declared upon entry.

8. Customs Clearance Process

To ensure a smooth customs clearance when you move to Poland:

  • Documentation: Prepare all necessary documents, including your passport, visa or residence permit, detailed inventory, and proof of ownership.
  • Professional Assistance: Consider hiring a customs broker or moving company experienced with international relocations to handle the paperwork and logistics.


Understanding customs regulations is crucial when you move to Poland. Ensure your personal belongings, household goods, vehicles, and pets comply with the regulations to avoid delays and additional costs. Proper planning and documentation will help make your move to Poland as seamless as possible.

Taxes and duty when moving house to Poland

When moving house to Poland, understanding the taxes and duties involved is crucial for a smooth transition. Here’s a comprehensive guide on the taxes and duty you might encounter:

1. Personal Belongings and Household Goods

If you meet certain conditions, you can bring your personal belongings and household goods into Poland without paying customs duties or taxes:

  • Ownership: The items must have been owned and used by you for at least six months prior to your move.
  • Purpose: Goods must be for personal use and not intended for resale.
  • Residency: You must have lived outside the EU for at least 12 consecutive months before moving to Poland.
  • Timing: Items should arrive in Poland within 12 months of your own arrival.

2. Documentation for Duty-Free Import

To qualify for duty-free import of personal belongings and household goods, you will need:

  • Proof of Residence: Evidence that you have resided outside the EU for the required period.
  • Residence Permit: A valid Polish residence permit.
  • Inventory List: A detailed inventory of all items, including their value and condition.

3. Vehicles

Bringing a vehicle when moving to Poland involves specific regulations:

  • Ownership Duration: You must have owned the vehicle for at least six months before moving.
  • Duty-Free Import: If the vehicle is for personal use and you meet the criteria, it may be exempt from duty and VAT.
  • Registration: You must register the vehicle in Poland within 30 days of its arrival.
  • Documentation: Provide proof of ownership, registration documents, and evidence of previous residence outside the EU.

4. Duty and VAT

If you do not meet the criteria for duty-free import, you may have to pay customs duties and VAT on your items:

  • Customs Duty: Rates vary depending on the type and value of the goods. Typically, household items may attract lower rates.
  • VAT: The standard VAT rate in Poland is 23%, but certain items may qualify for reduced rates.

5. Restricted and Prohibited Items

Certain items may incur additional duties or may be restricted or prohibited:

  • Alcohol and Tobacco: Quantities exceeding personal use limits may be subject to duties and taxes.
  • Firearms: Require special permits and are subject to stringent controls.
  • Cultural Artifacts: May need special permits and could be subject to import restrictions.

6. Cash and High-Value Items

When moving to Poland, declare any cash or high-value items:

  • Cash: Amounts exceeding €10,000 must be declared.
  • High-Value Items: Items worth more than €10,000 must be declared and may be subject to duties and taxes.

7. Moving with Pets

Bringing pets involves specific regulations but generally is not subject to duty if:

  • Microchip and Vaccination: Pets must be microchipped and have a valid rabies vaccination.
  • Health Certificate: Obtain an EU health certificate within ten days of travel.

8. Professional Assistance

Consider hiring a customs broker or moving company to help navigate the regulations and paperwork:

  • Customs Broker: Can assist with the declaration process and ensure compliance with all regulations.
  • Moving Company: Experienced international movers can handle logistics, packing, and transportation, reducing the hassle of moving.


When moving house to Poland, understanding the taxes and duties involved is essential to avoid unexpected costs and delays. If you meet the conditions for duty-free import, you can bring your personal belongings, household goods, and even vehicles without paying additional duties and VAT. Proper documentation and, if needed, professional assistance will ensure a smooth relocation to Poland.

Gaining residency and visas in Poland

Gaining residency and visas in Poland involves several steps and varies based on your purpose for moving. Here’s a detailed guide on the different types of visas and residency permits, as well as the application processes:

1. Types of Visas

A. Schengen Visa (Short-Term)

For stays up to 90 days within a 180-day period, citizens of non-EU/EEA countries may need a Schengen visa.

  • Purpose: Tourism, business, family visits.
  • Validity: Up to 90 days within 180 days.
  • Application: Apply at the Polish consulate in your home country.

B. National Visa (Long-Term)

For stays longer than 90 days.

  • Purpose: Work, study, family reunification.
  • Validity: Up to one year, with the possibility to apply for a temporary residence permit upon arrival.
  • Application: Apply at the Polish consulate in your home country.

2. Temporary Residence Permit

For non-EU/EEA citizens planning to stay in Poland for more than three months.

A. Work Permit

  • Eligibility: Job offer from a Polish employer.
  • Application Process:
  • Obtain a work permit from your employer.
  • Apply for a national visa based on the work permit.
  • Upon arrival, apply for a temporary residence permit at the local Voivodeship Office.
  • Validity: Up to three years, renewable.

B. Study Permit

  • Eligibility: Admission to a Polish educational institution.
  • Application Process:
  • Obtain an acceptance letter from the institution.
  • Apply for a national visa for study purposes.
  • Upon arrival, apply for a temporary residence permit at the local Voivodeship Office.
  • Validity: Duration of the study program, renewable.

C. Family Reunification

  • Eligibility: Family member legally residing in Poland.
  • Application Process:
  • Proof of relationship (marriage certificate, birth certificate).
  • Apply for a national visa for family reunification.
  • Upon arrival, apply for a temporary residence permit at the local Voivodeship Office.
  • Validity: Up to three years, renewable.

3. Permanent Residence Permit

For those who have lived in Poland for an extended period.


  • EU Long-Term Resident: Five years of continuous stay on a temporary residence permit.
  • Family Member of a Polish Citizen: Three years of stay in Poland and at least two years of marriage to a Polish citizen.
  • Other Criteria: Polish origin, holding a valid Pole’s Card.

Application Process

  • Documentation: Proof of residence, stable and regular source of income, health insurance, and integration into Polish society (basic knowledge of Polish language may be required).
  • Submission: Apply at the local Voivodeship Office.
  • Validity: Indefinite, with a card renewable every 10 years.

4. EU/EEA Citizens

EU/EEA citizens have the right to move to Poland without a visa but must register their stay if it exceeds 90 days.

Registration Process

  • Proof of Employment/Study/Financial Means: Documentation such as employment contracts, university admission letters, or proof of sufficient funds.
  • Application: Register at the local Voivodeship Office.
  • Registration Certificate: Issued upon successful registration.

5. Documentation Required

  • Application Form: Completed and signed.
  • Photographs: Passport-sized photos.
  • Passport: Valid and with copies of relevant pages.
  • Proof of Purpose: Job offer, acceptance letter, marriage certificate, etc.
  • Proof of Residence: Rental agreement, utility bills.
  • Financial Means: Bank statements, employment contracts.
  • Health Insurance: Proof of valid health insurance coverage.

6. Tips for the Application Process

  • Start Early: The process can be lengthy, so begin well in advance.
  • Complete Documentation: Ensure all documents are complete and accurate to avoid delays.
  • Language Requirements: Some knowledge of Polish may be beneficial, especially for permanent residence.
  • Professional Assistance: Consider consulting with immigration lawyers or experts for complex cases.


Gaining residency and visas in Poland requires understanding the different types of permits and their respective application processes. Whether you are moving for work, study, or family reasons, ensuring you have the correct documentation and following the proper procedures will facilitate a smooth transition to life in Poland.

Advance moves can save you time and money on removal costs.

Using the Advance Moves quick quote system can significantly save you time and money when moving house Internationally. Just click on the link for your instant online quote and then compare quotes from up to the 5 best removal companies already pre-selected to match your moving requirements. Get the best deals on international removals today.

Is it easy to find a good job in Poland and what is the pay like?

Finding a good job in Poland and understanding the pay scale involves considering several factors such as industry demand, your qualifications, language skills, and regional economic conditions. Here’s an overview to help you understand the job market and salary expectations in Poland:

Job Market in Poland

Industries with High Demand

Certain industries in Poland are currently experiencing high demand for skilled workers:

  1. Information Technology (IT): Software developers, IT specialists, and cybersecurity experts are highly sought after.
  2. Finance and Accounting: Accountants, financial analysts, and auditors are in demand, especially in large cities.
  3. Engineering: Mechanical, electrical, and civil engineers are needed in various sectors.
  4. Healthcare: Doctors, nurses, and medical technicians are in demand, particularly due to an aging population.
  5. Manufacturing: Skilled workers in automotive, machinery, and electronics sectors.
  6. Education: English teachers and educators in international schools.

Language Skills

  • Polish: Proficiency in Polish greatly increases job opportunities, especially in roles requiring direct customer interaction or administrative positions.
  • English: Many multinational companies and IT firms require English speakers, sometimes making Polish proficiency less critical.

Job Search Tips

  1. Job Portals: Websites like, Indeed, LinkedIn, and Glassdoor are useful for finding job listings.
  2. Networking: Leverage professional networks and attend industry events or job fairs.
  3. Recruitment Agencies: Consider using agencies that specialize in placing foreigners in Polish jobs.
  4. Company Websites: Check career pages of companies you are interested in.
  5. Local Expat Groups: Join online communities or social media groups for expatriates in Poland, which can provide job leads and advice.

Pay and Salary Expectations

Salaries in Poland vary widely depending on the industry, job role, experience, and location. Here are some general insights:

Average Salaries

  • IT Sector: Highly competitive salaries, with software developers earning between 8,000 to 15,000 PLN per month.
  • Finance and Accounting: Accountants can expect around 5,000 to 9,000 PLN per month, while financial analysts may earn between 6,000 to 12,000 PLN per month.
  • Engineering: Engineers typically earn between 6,000 to 12,000 PLN per month, depending on their specialization.
  • Healthcare: Doctors can earn from 7,000 to 20,000 PLN per month, whereas nurses may earn between 3,000 to 6,000 PLN per month.
  • Education: English teachers at international schools can earn from 5,000 to 10,000 PLN per month.

Cost of Living

The cost of living in Poland is relatively lower than in many Western European countries, but it varies significantly between cities:

  • Warsaw: Highest cost of living but also higher salaries.
  • Kraków, Wrocław, Gdańsk: Moderate cost of living with good job opportunities.
  • Smaller Cities and Towns: Lower cost of living but fewer job opportunities and lower salaries.

Working Conditions and Benefits

  • Working Hours: Standard workweek is 40 hours (8 hours per day, 5 days a week).
  • Paid Leave: Employees are entitled to 20 to 26 days of paid leave annually, depending on the length of service.
  • Health Insurance: Employees are covered under the public healthcare system, but many companies also offer private health insurance as part of their benefits package.
  • Social Security: Contributions are made towards pensions, disability, and unemployment benefits.


  • Language Barrier: Limited Polish language skills can be a barrier in non-international companies.
  • Recognition of Qualifications: Some foreign qualifications may not be recognized, requiring additional certification or training.
  • Competition: High competition for top jobs, particularly in desirable cities like Warsaw and Kraków.


Finding a good job in Poland is feasible, especially in high-demand sectors like IT, finance, and engineering. Salaries are competitive, though they vary by industry and location. Proficiency in Polish can significantly enhance job prospects, but many opportunities exist for English speakers, particularly in multinational companies and the tech industry. With thorough research, networking, and leveraging job search tools, securing employment in Poland can be a rewarding experience.

Advance moves can save you time and money on removal costs.

Using the Advance Moves quick quote system can significantly save you time and money when moving house Internationally. Just click on the link for your instant online quote and then compare quotes from up to the 5 best removal companies already pre-selected to match your moving requirements. Get the best deals on international removals today.

Why Using the Advance Moves Quick quote system gets you the best deals on removals to Poland.

Using the Advance Moves Quick Quote system to get the best deals on removals to Poland offers numerous advantages. Here’s why this system can help you secure the most cost-effective and efficient removal services:

1. Instant Access to Multiple Quotes

The Advance Moves Quick Quote system allows you to obtain quotes from multiple removal companies almost instantly. This instant access enables you to compare prices and services from various providers without the need to contact each one individually.

2. Time Efficiency

The system streamlines the process of getting quotes, saving you significant time. Instead of spending hours researching and calling different companies, you can get comprehensive quotes within minutes. This efficiency is especially beneficial when you’re juggling multiple tasks related to your move.

3. Competitive Pricing

Removal companies know they are competing with others when providing quotes through the Advance Moves system. This competitive environment encourages them to offer their best rates and services to win your business, ensuring you get the most value for your money.

4. Comprehensive Comparisons

The Quick Quote system provides detailed comparisons of different removal services. You can easily evaluate what each company offers, including pricing, services included (such as packing, loading, and insurance), and customer reviews. This transparency helps you make an informed decision based on your specific needs and budget.

5. Tailored Quotes

The system allows you to input specific details about your move, such as the size of your shipment, preferred moving dates, and any additional services required. This customization ensures that the quotes you receive are tailored to your unique situation, providing more accurate and relevant pricing.

6. Special Discounts and Offers

Removal companies often provide special discounts and offers through the Advance Moves platform to attract customers. By using the Quick Quote system, you can take advantage of these exclusive deals that you might not find elsewhere.

7. Ease of Use

The Advance Moves Quick Quote system is user-friendly and straightforward. With just a few clicks, you can input your moving details and receive multiple quotes. This simplicity makes it accessible even for those who are not tech-savvy.

8. Reliable and Verified Movers

Advance Moves typically works with a network of reliable and verified moving companies. This ensures that the quotes you receive are from reputable providers known for their quality service and professionalism.

9. Flexibility and Options

By getting multiple quotes, you have the flexibility to choose a removal company that best fits your schedule, budget, and service requirements. This variety of options ensures you are not limited to a single provider, enhancing your chances of finding the best deal.

10. Customer Support

The platform often includes customer support to assist you with any questions or concerns during the quote comparison process. This added layer of support ensures you understand all aspects of the quotes and can make the best decision.

How to Use the Advance Moves Quick Quote System

  1. Visit the Website: Go to the Advance Moves website and navigate to the Quick Quote section.
  2. Enter Moving Details: Input the details of your move, including origin, destination (Poland), moving date, and size of your shipment.
  3. Submit Information: Submit your information to receive quotes from multiple removal companies.
  4. Compare Quotes: Review and compare the quotes based on price, services included, and customer feedback.
  5. Select a Provider: Choose the removal company that best meets your needs and budget.
  6. Book Your Move: Contact the chosen company to finalize the details and book your move.


Using the Advance Moves Quick Quote system is a highly effective way to secure the best deals on removals to Poland. It saves you time, ensures competitive pricing, and provides tailored quotes from reliable movers. By comparing multiple options, you can make an informed decision that meets your specific needs and budget, ensuring a smooth and cost-effective relocation to Poland.

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