Horror stories about People moving to Spain

Moving to a new country can be a dream come true, but it also comes with its own set of challenges and potential pitfalls. For some, the process of relocating to Spain has turned into a nightmare. Here are some horror stories from people who moved to Spain, highlighting the importance of thorough planning and preparation. Using Advance moves to find you the best removal companies and the best deals for moving to Spain can reduce the amount of Horror stories about People moving to Spain.

Avoid some of the pitfalls, use advance moves to find you the best removal company and get the best deals when Moving to Spain.

1. The Vanishing Deposit

One couple, excited about their new life in sunny Spain, decided to rent a charming apartment in a picturesque village. They found what seemed like the perfect place online and paid a substantial deposit to secure it. However, upon arrival, they discovered that the property didn’t exist. The landlord was a scammer, and their money was gone. Despite involving the local police, they were unable to recover their deposit.

Lesson Learned

  • Always verify the legitimacy of rental properties and landlords.
  • Use reputable rental agencies or websites.
  • If possible, visit the property in person before making any payments.

2. The Bureaucratic Maze

A single professional moved to Spain for a job opportunity. She quickly found herself entangled in Spain’s notorious bureaucracy. From obtaining a NIE (Foreigner Identification Number) to setting up a bank account, each step required multiple visits to various offices, lengthy waits, and often incomplete or incorrect information. Her job suffered as she spent weeks navigating this administrative labyrinth, and the stress nearly caused her to return to the UK.

Lesson Learned

  • Research and understand the bureaucratic requirements beforehand.
  • Seek advice from expat communities or hire a relocation consultant.
  • Be patient and prepared for delays.

Advance moves can save you time and money on removal costs.

Using the Advance Moves quick quote system can significantly save you time and money when moving house Internationally. Just click on the link for your instant online quote and then compare quotes from up to the 5 best removal companies already pre-selected to match your moving requirements. Get the best deals on international removals today.

3. The Language Barrier

Another individual moved to Spain with little knowledge of the Spanish language, assuming that many locals would speak English. He soon realized that outside major cities and tourist areas, English proficiency was limited. This made everyday tasks like shopping, banking, and visiting the doctor incredibly challenging. Miscommunications led to several frustrating and even costly mistakes, such as receiving incorrect services or products.

Lesson Learned

  • Learn basic Spanish before moving.
  • Enroll in language classes once you arrive.
  • Use translation apps or hire a local guide when necessary.

4. The Building Permit Fiasco

A couple bought a charming rural property with plans to renovate it into their dream home. They hired a local contractor who assured them that obtaining the necessary building permits would be straightforward. However, the couple soon discovered that the contractor hadn’t applied for the permits correctly. The local authorities halted the renovation, and they faced hefty fines. The process to rectify the situation took over a year, costing them significant time and money.

Lesson Learned

  • Verify that all necessary permits and licenses are in place before starting any renovation.
  • Hire reputable contractors with a proven track record.
  • Familiarize yourself with local building regulations.

5. The Tax Surprise

One family moved to Spain without fully understanding the country’s tax system. They assumed that their tax obligations would be similar to those in the UK. However, they were shocked when they received a substantial tax bill at the end of the year. They had failed to declare certain assets and income, leading to fines and back payments. The complex Spanish tax system left them financially strained and regretful of their lack of preparation.

Avoid some of the pitfalls, use advance moves to find you the best removal company and get the best deals when Moving to Spain.

Lesson Learned

  • Consult with a tax advisor familiar with both UK and Spanish tax laws before moving.
  • Understand your tax obligations in Spain, including any wealth taxes or declarations.
  • Keep detailed financial records and seek professional help if needed.

6. The Healthcare Hassle

An elderly couple moved to Spain for its warm climate and relaxed lifestyle. They assumed that accessing healthcare would be straightforward. However, they encountered numerous challenges, from understanding the public healthcare system to finding English-speaking doctors. During a medical emergency, the language barrier and unfamiliar procedures caused panic and confusion, making them feel vulnerable and isolated.

Lesson Learned

  • Research the healthcare system in Spain and register with it as soon as you arrive.
  • Find local doctors who speak English or have translators available.
  • Consider private health insurance for added security.

Advance moves can save you time and money on removal costs.

Using the Advance Moves quick quote system can significantly save you time and money when moving house Internationally. Just click on the link for your instant online quote and then compare quotes from up to the 5 best removal companies already pre-selected to match your moving requirements. Get the best deals on international removals today.


Moving to Spain can be a wonderful experience, but it’s essential to be well-prepared and informed to avoid these horror stories. Thorough research, learning the language, understanding legal and bureaucratic requirements, and seeking professional advice can help ensure your move to Spain is as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

Read more Advance moves blogs about moving overseas.

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