7 biggest mistakes when moving to Spain in 2024

The team at advance moves international removals have put together a list of the 7 biggest mistakes when moving to Spain in 2024. This list has been compiled by  the experience of the Advance moves relocations team and the input from the many clients that they have helped move to Spain over the last two decades. With Brexit throwing even more problems into the entire process of moving to Spain from the UK we thought it would be handy to know the mistakes not to make when moving to Spain.

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The 7 biggest mistakes when moving to Spain in 2024 are:-

1.Biggest mistake moving to Spain number one is not doing your research.

Before you move to Spain you really need to know what needs doing to actually move to Spain and legally become a resident in Spain (especially after Brexit). There are costs and red tape to break through as well as criteria to meet, and after Brexit you need to sort a lot of this out before you actually move to Spain.

The best place to read up on all this information is the advance moves info pages on moving to Spain and Living in Spain. Both of these pages cover most aspects of what is involved in moving to and then being able to legally live in Spain. It tells you how to Gain residency, NIE’s, bank accounts, work, visas, schooling, driving, just about all you need to know to move to Spain without making your first big mistake.

There is also help online from the UK government to keep you updated on living in Spain and the Brexit situation which can also be read about on the EU information website.

You will also need to research and consider your finances. How much money will you need per month to live in Spain, will you need to work? Will your pension be enough? Again all questions that need answers before you move to Spain.

More help on Moving to Spain – Click here

Advance moves can save you time and money on removal costs.

Using the Advance Moves quick quote system can significantly save you time and money when moving house Internationally. Just click on the link for your instant online quote and then compare quotes from up to the 5 best removal companies already pre-selected to match your moving requirements. Get the best deals on international removals today.

2.the second biggest mistake when moving to Spain in 2024 is to not visit different areas.

Spain is a big place and has some great places to live. It’s worth taking a few trips to different areas of Spain to get a feel for the life you will lead . Living in Spain is a lot different to holidaying in Spain so you really need to dig a bit deeper than the coastal holiday lifestyle.

That will always be there but to actually live in Spain you need to explore a little and visit different areas and experience the culture and life of Spain. One of the 7 biggest mistakes when moving to Spain is thinking like it will be one big holiday. There is that element, but there is a lot more to Spain.

Do you want to live on the coast, or inland, with the Spanish or in an expat community. Malaga, Almeria, Murcia, Valencia, Barcelona or maybe even the Atlantic coast. There’s a lot to choose from.

3. The third biggest mistake when moving to Spain is selling up.

Many people moving to Spain sell their house in the UK to finance buying a property in Spain. Our advice is to maybe not to sell your UK property, but rent it out for 12 months. That way you can move to Spain and rent somewhere, or even travel around until you find the area you like. It gives you a lot more freedom and flexibility. Renting in Spain is very cheap especially long term rentals. from maybe 250 to 500 Euros a month for a nice apartment or small duplex/house.

One of the 7 biggest mistakes when moving to Spain is rushing to buy that villa, only to find you have been overcharged, are maybe in the wrong location for yourself and then you’re stuck. Spain is also not for everyone and if you don’t like things after 12 months then you still have a house in the UK to move back to.

Advance moves can save you time and money on removal costs.

Using the Advance Moves quick quote system can significantly save you time and money when moving house Internationally. Just click on the link for your instant online quote and then compare quotes from up to the 5 best removal companies already pre-selected to match your moving requirements. Get the best deals on international removals today.

4. The fourth biggest mistake when moving to Spain in 2024 is not doing all you can whilst in the UK

If you can arrange and sort out as much as possible before you actually move to Spain then you will be much better prepared once you arrive. There are things to shut down and close, contracts to terminate and things to arrange in shutting down your life in the UK.

Then you have a load of factors to consider in Spain such as NIE’s, Buying/renting a house, Residency, Healthcare, Work, Pensions, schooling. all sorts of things that whilst you may need to be in Spain to actually sort out a load of them, some things can be done with a good gestor working for you in Spain.

Maybe check out a few online forums on moving to Spain, or even groups on facebook to get advice from people already in Spain on a good gestor to use to help you start on the red tape required for moving to Spain after Brexit. One of the 7 biggest mistakes when moving to Spain is not shutting down your UK life enough before you leave, and not doing enough preparation on starting your new life in Spain.

There is a lot to consider. A good gestor and real estate agent to use in the Murcia/Alicante region can be found by clicking here.

The 7 biggest mistakes when moving to Spain andMore help on Moving to Spain – Click here

5. The fifth biggest mistake when moving to Spain is not making a moving checklist

When it actually comes down to moving to Spain you need to sort out a checklist to make sure all those tasks that need doing get done. A check list keeps you organized at a complicated time in your life. Moving country means you have a lot to do. Make a check list, keep it up to date and keep adding to it. It will help keep you sane.

6. The sixth biggest mistake when moving to Spain is not de-cluttering.

You need to have a good think about what you’re going to be taking with you to Spain. Furniture wise, what will actually  suit your new home.  Furnishing a house in Spain is a little different from the UK as styles vary. Consider the value and build quality of the furniture, your expensive solid oak dining table is worth taking but that flimsy wardrobe might not be.

The less volume you take the less you will pay for removal services. So flat pack whatever you can and don’t take anything that you don’t actually need. All those items that you may have been saving or hoarding need a good sort through. It’s time for a clear out before you move.

Many people that have moved to Spain say that the biggest mistake when moving to Spain for them was just taking too much stuff and filling their new house up with stuff they did not need to bring for Spanish living.

Advance moves can save you time and money on removal costs.

Using the Advance Moves quick quote system can significantly save you time and money when moving house Internationally. Just click on the link for your instant online quote and then compare quotes from up to the 5 best removal companies already pre-selected to match your moving requirements. Get the best deals on international removals today.

7. The seventh biggest mistake when moving to Spain is not getting the best deal on removals

Selecting a high quality removal company for the right price is a very important factor to consider when moving to Spain. You want your goods to be looked after and arrive in good condition on the date that you want to move into your new house in Spain.

All of this sounds simple enough but to actually find a mover that suits all your requirements can be tricky. Luckily for you this is where Advance Moves can save you a whole load of time and money. A visit to the Advance moves site will give you the opportunity to obtain a quick quote for your removal in just 30 seconds.

Just enter some basic information about your removal to Spain and within 30 seconds you will have a quick quote emailed to you. Then the real magic begins. After receiving the quick quote you will then start to receive up to 6 more accurate quotes from independent professional removal companies that have been specially selected to best match your removals criteria.

The service is free and without obligation it just the quickest and easiest way to get quotations for your removal to Spain.

Save time and money on your removal to Spain with advance moves.

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Advance moves can save you time and money on removal costs.

Using the Advance Moves quick quote system can significantly save you time and money when moving house Internationally. Just click on the link for your instant online quote and then compare quotes from up to the 5 best removal companies already pre-selected to match your moving requirements. Get the best deals on international removals today.


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Advice on Moving to Spain, Avoid the mistakes with these tips.

Moving to Spain can be an exciting adventure, but it requires careful planning and preparation. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the process:

1. Research and Planning

  • Understand the Visa Requirements: Depending on your nationality and the purpose of your stay, you might need a visa. EU/EEA citizens do not need a visa, but non-EU citizens typically do. Research the specific visa that fits your situation (e.g., work, student, retirement).
  • Learn About Spain: Familiarize yourself with the culture, language, cost of living, healthcare system, and other important aspects of life in Spain.

2. Financial Planning

  • Budget for Moving Costs: Include costs for shipping belongings, travel, initial accommodation, and setting up your new home.
  • Cost of Living: Research the cost of living in different cities in Spain. Major cities like Madrid and Barcelona are more expensive than smaller towns.
  • Banking: Set up a Spanish bank account to manage your finances more easily.

3. Legal and Administrative Steps

  • Visa Application: Apply for the appropriate visa if required. Gather all necessary documents, such as proof of employment, financial stability, and health insurance.
  • Residence Permit: Once in Spain, apply for a residence permit (Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero or TIE) at the local immigration office.
  • Register with Local Authorities: Register your address at the local town hall (empadronamiento). This is required for accessing public services.

4. Finding Accommodation

  • Temporary Housing: Consider renting a short-term apartment initially to give yourself time to find a permanent place.
  • Long-Term Housing: Research neighborhoods and housing options. Websites like Idealista, Fotocasa, and Airbnb can be helpful.
  • Rental Contracts: Understand the terms of rental agreements, including deposit requirements and rental periods.

5. Healthcare

  • Health Insurance: Ensure you have adequate health insurance. EU citizens can use the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) temporarily. Non-EU citizens need private health insurance unless covered by employment.
  • Public Healthcare: Once you have your residence permit and are registered, you can access Spain’s public healthcare system.

6. Employment and Education

  • Job Search: If you’re moving for work, secure your job before moving. For others, research job opportunities and consider language skills.
  • Language Skills: While many Spaniards speak English, learning Spanish will significantly ease your transition and open up more job opportunities.
  • Schools: If moving with children, research schools and consider whether to enroll them in public, private, or international schools.

7. Moving Belongings

  • Shipping Options: Research shipping companies and get quotes. Decide between air freight (faster, more expensive) and sea freight (slower, cheaper).
  • Declutter: Sell, donate, or discard items you don’t need to reduce moving costs.
  • Packing: Pack carefully and label boxes. Consider hiring professional packers for valuable or fragile items.

8. Transportation

  • Driving License: EU citizens can use their driving license in Spain. Non-EU citizens may need to exchange their license for a Spanish one after a certain period.
  • Public Transport: Familiarize yourself with Spain’s public transportation system, including buses, trains, and metros.

9. Cultural Integration

  • Learn the Language: Take Spanish language courses to improve your communication skills.
  • Social Integration: Join local clubs, attend community events, and make an effort to meet new people.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Be aware of cultural differences and norms to integrate smoothly.

10. Settling In

  • Utilities and Services: Set up utilities (electricity, water, internet) for your new home.
  • Phone and Internet: Choose a mobile and internet provider.
  • Community: Get involved in your local community to build a support network.


Moving to Spain involves several steps, from securing visas and finding accommodation to understanding the local culture and setting up your new life. By carefully planning and taking advantage of resources available to expatriates, you can ensure a smooth and successful transition to your new home in Spain.

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