7 biggest mistakes when moving to Portugal in 2023

The team at advance moves international removals have put together a list of the 7 biggest mistakes when moving to Portugal. This list has been compiled by  the experience of the Advance moves relocations team and the input from the many clients that they have helped move to Portugal over the last two decades. With Brexit throwing even more problems into the entire process of moving to Portugal  from the UK we thought it would be handy to know the mistakes not to make when moving to Portugal.

The 7 biggest mistakes when moving to Portugal are:-

1. The first mistake people make when moving to Portugal is not doing enough research.

You need to do your research before moving to Portugal. Now that the UK has left the E.U. there is a certain amount of confusion with regards to relocation and residency.

Before you move to Portugal you really need to be sure you qualify for residency and the costs involved. Whilst there will be no restrictions for non residents purchasing property in Portugal, if you are thinking of making Portugal your permanent home, you need to be aware of all the requirements.

Advance moves can save you time and money on removal costs.

Using the Advance Moves quick quote system can significantly save you time and money when moving house Internationally. Just click on the link for your instant online quote and then compare quotes from up to the 5 best removal companies already pre-selected to match your moving requirements. Get the best deals on international removals today.

There is a great deal of information to be found on the Advance Moves information pages on Moving to Portugal and living in Portugal. Both of these pages cover most aspects of what is involved in relocating to, and being able to legally live in Portugal. It guides you on how to apply for residency, N.I.F.’s, bank accounts, work, visas and schooling, just about all you need to know to move to Portugal without making mistake number 1. Click here to view the Moving to Portugal help page.

There is also help online from the UK Government all about living in Portugal and the Brexit situation which can also be read about on the EU information website.

If you want more help on Moving to Portugal then CLICK HERE

2. The second mistake when moving to Portugal, is not exploring before you settle.

Many of us go on holiday, have a great time, and then decide this is where we would like to live. Living somewhere is very different from going on holiday, a holiday normally chosen based on a picture in a brochure.

Portugal is a large and diverse country with varying weather patterns. Take time to explore the country, from the vast coastal regions to the scenic mountain villages. One of the 7 biggest mistakes when moving to Portugal is thinking it will be one big holiday. You need to be sure you are going to be happy where you move to, take into account making friends, services, and work opportunities.

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3. Mistake number 3 when moving to Portugal is selling up.

So the dream is to move to Portugal, but the reality doesn’t always measure up to expectations.

Advance moves can save you time and money on removal costs.

Using the Advance Moves quick quote system can significantly save you time and money when moving house Internationally. Just click on the link for your instant online quote and then compare quotes from up to the 5 best removal companies already pre-selected to match your moving requirements. Get the best deals on international removals today.

Our advice is to rent your UK property whilst you explore Portugal and the kind of lifestyle you will be living. You will find that the cost of renting is a lot lower than in the UK, renting out your UK property will give you a great income, giving you time to explore Portugal at your leisure. If you decide you like Portugal, then you can sell your UK property should you choose, if not then you still have your UK home to return to.

If you want more help on Moving to Portugal then CLICK HERE

4.  Number 4 on the list of mistakes is not doing all you can towards your move to Portugal whilst in the UK. 

To make sure your transition to your new home is as smooth as possible you should prepare as much as you can from the UK. You can organise your documentation, birth and marriage certificates, close accounts and cancel direct debits. Contact the Portuguese embassy and find out what paperwork you can apply for before you arrive in Portugal.

A good place to get information is the expat websites, government’s information pages and the Advance Moves website.

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5.The fifth biggest mistake when moving to Portugal is not making a checklist.

One of the best things you can do when moving to Portugal is get organised and make a checklist of all the things you need to get accomplished before leaving the UK. A checklist keeps you organised and will help you make sure do miss any target dates and are on track whilst leading up to the move date.

If you want more help on Moving to Portugal then CLICK HERE

6. Number 6 of the 7 biggest mistakes when moving to Portugal is not de-cluttering

Take time and research what you will and will not need when you move to Portugal. Your Portuguese house will be very different to your UK home, and you will need to decide if the items you have, will suit the Mediterranean style. You also need to decide if items are financially worth moving. Your Ikea wardrobe may not be worth the removal costs, but your oak dining table will be.

Advance moves can save you time and money on removal costs.

Using the Advance Moves quick quote system can significantly save you time and money when moving house Internationally. Just click on the link for your instant online quote and then compare quotes from up to the 5 best removal companies already pre-selected to match your moving requirements. Get the best deals on international removals today.

Not de-cluttering means you will pay more in removal costs and also have the hassle of disposal of unwanted items in Portugal. The less volume you take up when moving your effects to Portugal, the less you will pay for removal services. Flat pack any items you can and have a car boot sale of any items you don’t need. Getting organised will keep your costs down.

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7. The seventh biggest mistake when moving to Portugal is not getting the best deal on removals

Selecting a high quality removal company for the right price is a very important factor to consider when moving to Portugal. You want your goods to be looked after and arrive in good condition on the date that you want to move into your new house in Spain. All of this sounds simple enough but to actually find a mover that suits all your requirements can be tricky. Luckily for you this is where Advance Moves can save you a whole load of time and money. A visit to the Advance moves site will give you the opportunity to obtain a quick quote for your removal in just 30 seconds.

Advance moves can save you time and money on removal costs.

Using the Advance Moves quick quote system can significantly save you time and money when moving house Internationally. Just click on the link for your instant online quote and then compare quotes from up to the 5 best removal companies already pre-selected to match your moving requirements. Get the best deals on international removals today.

Just enter some basic information about your removal to Portugal and within 30 seconds you will have a quick quote emailed to you. Then the real magic begins. After receiving the quick quote you will then start to receive up to 6 more accurate quotes from independent professional removal companies that have been specially selected to best match your removals criteria. The service is free and without obligation it just the quickest and easiest way to get quotations for your removal to Portugal.

Save time and money on your removal to Portugal with advance moves.

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advance moves sponsors the supermotoland race team and race school in Spain.

If you want more help on Moving to Portugal then CLICK HERE

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